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LXP2 Lossless Compression/Encryption Core

General Description

Lossless data compression is a class of data compression algorithms that allows the exact original data to be reconstructed from the compressed data.
LXP2 implements the lossless compression /decompression algorithm and AES-XTS encryption /decryption on units of data (“blocks”). Typical applications include enterprise data storage.
The design is fully synchronous and available in multiple configurations varying in bus widths and throughput.
LXP2 delivers 1-3 Gbps of throughput in both FPGA and ASIC implementations. The compression ratio greatly depends on the data and somewhat depends on the frames size; on typical file corpuses varies between 1.5 and 2.

Key Features

Each frame is compressed and decompressed independently
Compatibility with public-domain LZ software implementations allows for interoperability
Parameterizable maximum block size (up to 16 megabytes)
Support for compression and decompression in a single core; dedicates compression and decompression versions are available 
Back-to-back compression with no gaps between the frames
High-performance solid-state storage
Disk and tape storage systems
Pin Description
CLK Input   Core clock signal
abort Input   HIGH level synchronously resets the core
rstb Input   LOW level asynchronously resets the core
cen Input   Clock enable
mode Input   LOW level for compression/encryption, HIGH for decryption/decompression operation
CDbypass Input   HIGH level indicates a bypass of the compression/decompression function
EDbypass Input   HIGH level indicates a bypass of the encryption/decryption function
estimate Input   HIGH level indicates suppression of the compressed data (Cout)
Cin[31:0] Input   Input Data bus for compression/encryption
CinValid Input   Data on Cin is valid
CinReady Output   Core is ready to accept data on Cin
Cout[7:0] Output   Output Data bus for results of compression/encryption
CoutReady Input   Core can drive data on Cout
CoutValid Output   Data on Cout is valid
Din[7:0] Input   Input data bus for decryption/decompression
DinValid Input   Data on Din is valid
DinReady Output   Core is ready to accept data on Din
Dout[31:0] Output   Output data bus for results of decryption/decompression
DoutReady Input   Core can drive data on Dout
DoutValid Output   Data on Dout is valid
BlkSize[23:0] Input   Input data length in bytes minus 1
CmpSize[24:0] Output   Output data length in bytes minus 1
start Input   A HIGH pulse starts the new block
done Output   A HIGH pulse indicates the completion of the block processing
active Output   A HIGH level indicates the core is busy processing the block
K1[255:0] Input   128/256-bit AES key. 128-bit key resides in the MSB of this port.
K2[255:0] Input   128/256-bit tweak key (K2). 128-bit key resides in the MSB of this port.
key256 Input   When HIGH, the K1 and K2 are 256-bit wide. When low, the keys are 128-bit wide.
IV[127:0] Input   Initial counter value (location)
MEM Input   Memory Interface
Function Description

The core implements lossless compression / decompression and encryption / decryption of data blocks from 512 bytes up to 16 megabytes in length.

The encryption function supports the XTS-AES encryption (including the CTS feature) per NIST SP800-38E

On the Calgary corpus with the 4096-byte block the core exhibits the following performance:
bib 1.56(64.22%) paper3 1.49(66.93%)
book1 1.39(71.97%) paper4 1.54(64.83%)
book2 1.58(63.10%) paper5 1.59(62.97%)
geo 1.13(88.52%) paper6 1.64(60.88%)
news 1.51(66.05%) pic 4.08(24.52%)
obj1 1.60(62.70%) progc 1.74(57.59%)
obj2 1.83(54.53%) progl 2.13(46.84%)
paper1 1.61(62.02%) progp 2.13(47.00%)
paper2 1.54(65.11%) trans 1.93(51.73%)
Export Permits
The cores are subject to the US export regulations. See the IP Cores, Inc. licensing basics page, http://ipcores.com/exportinformation.htm, for links to US government sites and licensing details.

HDL Source Licenses

Synthesizable Verilog RTL source code
Test bench (self-checking)
vectors for testbenches
Expected results
User Documentation
Contact Information
IP Cores, Inc.
3731 Middlefield Rd.
Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
Phone: +1 (650) 815-7996
E-mail: [email protected]